What did it feel like when you first learned to swim? We may not remember the first cautious splashes and kicks in the water, but we know now, that swimming can bring joy, refreshment, exercise, and much more. At five years old, I attended summer camp and after my first day, my mother asked, “how was camp”? I responded, “I can swim!” Rolling her eyes, she doubted my fish tale but nodded agreeably. This exchange continued throughout the week. More eye rolling and possibly, more attention seeking on my part. By the weekend, we were off to the pool! I passed the kiddie pool and jumped right into the big pool! I swam the length of the pool and with a twinkle in my eye, I no longer needed to prove to anyone that I could indeed swim!

Career journeys, like swimming, are measured in new strokes, more laps, and additional experience. Like swimming, you take your experience, apply it, and always look ahead.

With decades in the corporate workplace and most recently in higher education, I have watched new generations launch their own career journeys. This experience has renewed my confidence in our future workforce. Our learners, at all ages, seek out the challenges in front of them and are prepared to take them head on. I wonder, though, how would I thrive in today’s classroom? With the many changes, would I too be able to adapt?

At Jill Klein Advisors, this is exactly what we aim to support your organization with. We use strategic activation tactics to engage new employees for mutual success. By recognizing that employees are all learners, whether they are recent graduates or life-long knowledge seekers, there is an opportunity to learn from each team member that is vital to your organization’s overall success. But how do we have employers, managers, leaders, engage the recently educated? Perhaps they earned a diploma, a degree or returned to the classroom to refresh skills and acquire contemporary skills training and we need them to advance our organizations. How do we do it? What holds us back from learning from our newest workforce members and making them a vital part of our team? Educational experience is prized but the real value rests in how we apply it our individual and institutional journeys.

Jill Klein Advisors

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